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Meaghan DeClerq is based in Toronto, ON Canada.


For as long as I can remember I have had an obsession with memories: making them, capturing them and sharing them. I hear a lot of people talk about “living in the moment” and for me that always meant finding a way to press pause on a special day and bring it with me. That’s where my love of photography really comes from.


For me, photography is about capturing the essence of a moment; of preserving it in time so it can be enjoyed and shared long into the future. This desire to freeze-frame a memory heavily influences my style and I love to find real organic moments and showcase personalities.


Ever since I was little, at every family event and every holiday you could find me behind the lens, carefully selecting the moments I want to treasure forever.  Whether it is making my family pose for photos of our adventures, taking pictures of beautiful food or photographing scenic landscapes on holidays, I am enthralled by the art of photography.


After highschool I further honed my skills while studying and obtaining my Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and Image Arts, after which I was taken under the wing of several wonderful mentors who helped me become the artist I am today.


More recently I have found myself being drawn to wedding photography, which allows me to give the gift of capturing moments on what is, for many people, the most memorable day of their lives.  Being able to be a part of these special occasions is a true joy and one I am honoured to share. So if you are looking for a photographer whose passion for capturing your memories is as important to her as it is to you, then I’m your gal.  


Please feel free to reach out to me directly to learn more about how I can help you treasure your memories for years to come. 

Meaghan DeClerq


Tel: 416-453-2991


Meaghan DeClerq Photography


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